Bundles & Single Videos
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Driver Bundle
Swing Flaws Bundle

This bundle includes 5 videos:
- How To Hit Driver Consistently
- How To Cure A Slice
- 20 Ways To Gain Distance
- How To Get Distance (Paul Wilson & Mike Dobbyn)
- BONUS - How To Hit A Draw
Instant access. Simply log in and start watching.
Individually: $185
Bundle Price (SAVE $108)
Only $77.00

This bundle includes 5 videos:
- Stop Swinging Over The Top
- How To Fix A Chicken Wing
- How To Get Lag
- How To Fix Your Swing
- BONUS - How To Hit A Draw
Instant access. Simply log in and start watching.
Individually: $195
Bundle Price (SAVE $118)
Only $77.00
Single Driver Videos (SAVE $10)

How To Cure A Slice
There's no reason you should still be slicing. This video series has helped countless slicers hit the ball dead straight in minutes. Simply follow the 2 steps in this video and your slice will be gone forever! Once you get rid of that slice your whole game will dramatically improve.
Only: $47

How To Hit Driver Consistently
Everyone wants to hit the driver long & straight don't they? This video series teaches exactly how I am able to hit tons of fairways when I play even though I rarely practice. 10 easy to follow lessons will have you hitting your driver better than ever..
Reg: $37 Only: $27

20 Ways To Gain Distance
Who doesn't want more distance? Here are 20 ways you can gain distance. The more you get, the longer you will hit it. Start out slow. Get the easy ones then start to tackle the harder ones. In no time you will be hitting it longer than ever!
Reg: $37 Only: $27

How To Get Distance
Learn from Re-Max Long Drive Champion, Mike Dobbyn about how he gets distance so you can be working on the same things. I also talk about problems and solutions, equipment and there are a ton of drills to get you hitting the ball longer than ever. Don't miss this one!
Reg: $37Â Only: $27
Single Fix Your Swing Flaws Videos (SAVE $10)

Fix A Chicken Wing
Almost every average player has a chicken wing. My How To Fix A Chicken Wing video series is nothing like you've seen before. Simply follow the drill I show you and literally in 10 mins. your chicken can be gone for good. Fix it and you will hit the ball longer and straighter than ever.
Reg: $37 Only: $27

Stop Over The Top
Swinging over the top is a serious problem the average player just never seems to be able to fix. This series give you 15 different ways. Simply watch the different fixes and choose a few you like. In not time your path will be fixed and you will be hitting longer solid shots.
Reg: $37 Only: $27

How To Get Lag
Lag seems to be this mysterious thing in the golf swing that everyone wants yet few people have. This series shows you 3 different ways to get lag. The one will get you perfect lag in 2 mins. and I show you proof. So if you want lag and you have 2 mins. this series is for you.
Reg: $37 Only: $27

How To Fix Your Swing
We all hit bad shots when we play golf. Wouldn't it be great to know exactly what to work on to instantly fix these bad shots so you don't keep hitting them? It sure would. You can use this series both at the range and course to stop guessing how to fix your swing instantly.