Golf Swing Fitness With Bryan Martin
Simple Exercises & Stretches to Get You Hitting the Ball Better than Ever!
As we get older we get weaker and tighter. What are you going to do about it?
If you're like me, you hate working out. I have done some other exercise programs off an on but go right back to being lazy again. This new product is different. Sure, it has tons of exercises and stretches but we also created a few simple routines that anyone can do in just a few minutes. This means even if you hate working out you can at least learn these short programs and do them on a regular basis. To me, this seems better than going through a bunch of exercises and trying to figure out which ones to do. We include these as well but for someone like me simple routines are the way to go.
Check out everything that's included in the Golf Swing Fitness Series.

Program 1 - Stretching Routine (9:38 minutes)
Bryan takes Paul through a simple stretching routine anyone can do. Once you do it a few times you'll remember it so you can do it daily keeping you nice and loose and feeling great.

Program 2 - Granddad Workout (9:21 minutes)
Here's a simple workout routine combining light weights and exercises to help you maintain your strength as you age. This program is also designed so you can remember it and add it to your daily routine.

21 Exercises - with Bryan & Paul
If our stretching program and granddad workout isn't enough Bryan takes Paul through 21 more exercises to help you get into the best shape of your golfing life. Choose the ones you like.

13 Stretches - with Bryan & Paul
Choose from 13 more stretches that you can add to the stretching routine giving you even more flexibility so you can hit the ball longer and straighter than ever.

21 Weight Exercises - with Bryan & Paul
Once you start lifting weights it becomes addictive. Here are 21 more exercises with weights you can choose from. Be sure to keep the weights light so you don't bulk up too much.

15 Videos - Beginner Exercises
Bryan takes you through 15 more exercises. These are for beginners. So start with these and as you get more fit jump up to the next level and get into even better shape.

15 Videos - Intermediate Exercises
Most people are going to want stop at this level once they get past the beginner level. These are some great exercises that will surely get you into great shape.

15 Videos - Advanced Exercises
Here are the advanced versions of the exercises. Be sure to work your way up to these over time. If you are at this level I applaud you.

BONUS - 9 Videos - Beginners Distance Training
Everyone wants more distance. In order to get it you need to get a little stronger and quicker. These beginner distance exercises will get on your way to hitting it longer than ever.

Bonus - 9 Videos - Advanced Distance Training
Once you get past the beginner distance exercises you will be at this level. These are tough exercises but the payoff is a lot more distance. Be careful and pace yourself. Distance will come in the future.

BONUS - Abs Program (4:03 minutes)
Everyone wants 6 pack abs whether it be in reality or in your dreams. Here is a great program that will get you that 6 pack so you can brag to your friends.

BONUS - Range Warm Up
Ever wondered what stretches etc. you should be doing when you warm up? The answer will surprise you. Start warming up like this into the future. You'll be glad you did.

BONUS - On Course Stretches
Nowadays there's tons of time when you play that you're waiting for groups ahead. If you are just sitting around you will tighten up and lose you swing. Here are some tips from Bryan so you can stay loose.