Finally Fix The Worst Flaws In Golf ...
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Here Are The 4 New Videos:

How To Fix A Chicken Wing
Reg. Price $37
The problem with the chicken wing is that it adds loft to your clubs so you lose serious distance as well as consistency. Fixing this alone should get you easily 1-2 more clubs on your irons and 10-30 yards more with driver. This is how important it is to fix. My How To Fix A Chicken Wing video shows you a new drill I do with my students that have a chicken wing (this is nothing like you have seen or worked on before). In as little as 10 minutes after doing this drill all of my students have dramatically reduced, if not, eliminated their chicken wings forever. If it worked for them I know it will work for you too.

Stop Swinging Over The Top
Reg. Price $37
Swinging over the top is one of the worst swing flaws in golf. It affects not only your distance but consistency as well. For years you've tried everything to fix it but nothing has worked. Well, this series gives you 15 different ways to fix your over the top swing. Why 15 different ways? Because not everyone learns the same. What works for one person doesn't work for another. To fix your over the top swing you simply watch the videos and give them a try. In no time you will find something that works for you that will allow you to finally fix it and start hitting the ball longer & straighter than ever.

How To Get Lag
Reg. Price $37
Lag seems like this mysterious thing that everyone wants yet few ever get. Not anymore. In this video series, I give you 3 different drills you can start working on lag. One of them gets you perfect lag in 2 minutes. That's right 2 mins. to perfect lag which I prove by showing you a before and after of student who did it. If I was looking for lag and tried everything I would be doing this drill daily until I mastered it. The other drills are great options as well and you can certainly do them at the same time. Lag takes a little understanding and practice but once you get it, you compress the ball giving your long, pure irons and distance on your driver you've only dreamed about. Pick up your copy today.

How To Fix Your Swing
Reg. Price $47
One of my specialties is being able to cure swing flaws in minutes. I do this with 2 drills and loosening up your arms. That's what this video is going to teach you. Now when you're at the range or even when you play and you start hitting bad shots you will instantly know exactly what to do to fix your own swing. Wouldn't that be great? You rush out to the first tee and slice your first tee shot. Now instead of ruining your whole round, you know exactly what to do to hit your next shot down the middle. This is a must have video series because I guarantee you will never hit the ball perfectly all of the time.


How To Hit A Draw
Reg. Price $37
If you've followed me for any period of time you should know I'm not big on hitting a draw. Why? Because it takes understanding and work. As much as I say this, there are tons of my students that want to hit this shot. Knowing this I felt it necessary to teach people how to hit this shot properly. Just so you know there is a "real" draw and a "fake" draw. The real draw is the one that you're going to have to do a lot of work to master whereas you can start hitting the fake draw in minutes. So if you want to hit a draw then this is the video you need to watch to decide which one you are going to hit. Once you know that, you will finally be able to master it and get that draw you've always wanted.
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Disclaimer: Although I have received thousands of testimonials from actual golfers who have improved their games results may vary. For best results, the instruction requires understanding and practice to achieve maximum results.
The creators and producers of this video assume no responsibility for personal injury or loss that may occur as a result of the following instruction and advice herein. Viewers should consult a physician if they have any doubts about their physical ability to play golf.