Cure Your Slice In Minutes ... Guaranteed!
Watch How Fast I Cure This Slicer ... This could be you!
Special Offer: Only $47

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What's Included:

First, you need to know what causes a slice in the golf swing. This is important because you need to understand the root cause. Once you know why you're slicing, you can avoid it in the future.

Next, I talk about how your equipment could be making you slice. A lot of people are using the wrong equipment. A simple check of your clubs could make curing your slice even easier.

We then move on to the neutral grip - so you're not putting a band aid on your shots by doing a strong grip. I don't teach band aids. I want you to learn the best way to cure your slice.

Then, it's on to alignment because I want you to hit the ball straight from a square stance, not just hitting pull hooks like I did.

Now we move on to Step 1 which fixes the Spin. Learning this will finally straighten out your shots with driver and long irons or even get you hooking it.

Finally ... it's Step 2 which fixes your direction. This is the missing step you need to learn to stop you from hooking the ball. Yes, I said hooking it. With my technique you really can, and will, finally hook the ball but as I said earlier, hooking it can get you in trouble too so you need to learn this step so you can hit it down the middle.
Still Don't Believe Me? Watch How Fast I Fix 9 More Slicers
Special Offer: Only $47

(This is a one-time purchase. No monthly or hidden fees)
Testimonials From Real Customers

Kerry Bennett
Single best lesson for curing or at minimizing my slice It was amazing.
After my first lesson by myself on the range I played the draw my next round of golf.
Talk about a feeling of accomplishment. Thanks I will continue to refer back to your lessons for more instructions. And god bless golf:-)

Paula Elliott
Hi Paul:
Your videos on curing the slice dropped my game score by 3 or 4 strokes for 9 holes, plus the ball is going straight with no right tail on it, and I am hitting a lot more greens in regulation. Woo Hoo
I can't thank YOU enough!

Terry Rideout
Hi Paul,
After watching your videos my 4 year old and I went to the range and practiced all morning (she is quite the site with her little bag of clubs walking up the range).
I played yesterday with my regular group of 8 friends on our home 9 hole course. I won 8 out of 9 skins and shot a 39, the best I hit the ball all summer hitting all the fairways and driving a reachable par 4 for a bird.
My friends were all amazed how that; in a matter of a couple of days my drive was straight as a whip and one of the longest of our group.
I can't stress enough how much your instruction and lesson helped my drive. Thank you.

Stanley Skolny
Hi Paul,
I am not sure if you read this or it is just a mass mailing but I wanted to tell you about my results.
I watched the videos and the tips were exactly what I need. I used to be a long driver for a while but took time off from golf and had some back issues.
To make a long story short, when I started playing again I honestly waned to quit. Couldn't hit a fairway on my best day. Did you drills in the morning and played 18 in the afternoon. I was amazed!!!!
Got my drive back and felt great about my game again. Golf pro at my club saw my swing today and said it was really nice and LONG.
Thanks again
Disclaimer: Although I have received thousands of testimonials from actual golfers who have improved their games and/or implemented the 2 steps included in my How To Cure A Slice series individual results may vary. For best results, the instruction requires understanding and practice to achieve maximum results.
The creators and producers of this video assume no responsibility for personal injury or loss that may occur as a result of the following instruction and advice herein. Viewers should consult a physician if they have any doubts about their physical ability to play golf.